

The Best Telescope For Beginners Buying a telescope is an important first step towards a new world of appreciation for the night sky, and the wonders found within it. I was once in this position myself, and I found the number of options and telescope types overwhelming. On this page, I’ll give you my honest advice for the best telescope for beginners. Because the telescope I’m recommending for beginners is the one that propelled my interest in astronomy and the night sky into a life-altering addiction. (known as AstroBackyard) I’ll warn you right now, this purchase may end up being a gateway into the world of astrophotography.   The most important aspect of choosing a telescope is to ensure that you buy an instrument that nurtures your desire to observe and enjoy the night sky. A poor user experience may hinder your enjoyment of the hobby overall, so be wary of the cheap telescopes that deliver underwhelming results. Stick to the advice I am about to give you. The